2023 DFT Holiday Calendar

DigitalFilm Tree is committed to the overall health and balance of our team, as well as the recognition of IATSE’s work in protecting for holiday time off for the many who serve our industry at large.
2023 Holidays below will begin at 6pm the prior business day and end at 9am the following business day (example: President’s Day, February 20th, will begin at 6pm on Friday 2/17 and end at 9am on Tuesday, February 21st). Any work needing to be done during the holidays below is subject to double time rates if and when operators are able to accommodate.
If your PreVis, Dailies, VFX, Finishing, Promo or Deliverables calendars have conflicts with the holidays below, please do let us know as early as possible to help best schedule coverage and surface options with you.
Thank you in advance, and please reach out to COO Nancy Jundi or your DFT Producer with any questions about or around the below 2023 DFT Holiday Calendar:
New Year’s Day – Observed January 2
Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Monday, January 16
Presidents’ Day – Monday, February 20
Good Friday – Friday, April 7
Memorial Day – Monday, May 29
Juneteenth – Monday, June 19th
Independence Day – Tuesday, July 4
Labor Day – Monday, September 4
Indigenous People’s Day – Monday, October 9th
Veterans Day – Friday, November 10
Thanksgiving Holiday – Thursday, November 23
Day After Thanksgiving – Friday, November 24
Christmas / EOY Break – Friday, December 22nd thru Monday, January 1st 2024 (returning 9am, Tuesday January 2nd)
In Good Health,
Nancy Jundi & Team DFT