about: erin rollins

erin rollins

billings coordinator

"it feels more like working with friends. it's like i started a company with all my friends."

based: columbus, ohio

since: may 2020

erin rollins considers puzzles her bread and butter. spreadsheets… budgeting. words associated with organization and finance that might make others (especially the creative-set) run far, far away as fast as they can make her light up, face glowing like she just had a facial. erin first started working at dft's front desk at the los angeles office and moved her way up to her first “big girl job” as billings coordinator after briefly working in dailies remotely from her current home of columbus, ohio. “my job is to protect dft money,” she says. that consists of making sure the company is paid what it's owed, that bills are paid on time, invoices paid correctly and on time, and other little cyclical billing things. “that kind of fun stuff,” she calls it. as a true gen z’er who grew up in the youtube generation, erin is allowing her colleagues at dft to catch her up on the classics, who've convinced her to join letterboxd. some of her late-to-the-party faves include the scream series and when harry met sally...

current obsession: solo camping trips.

3475 cahuenga blvd. west
los angeles, ca 90068