DFT and Post Production in the Cloud

James Mathers President of the Digital Cinema Society recently published an article: “Are You Ready to Take Advantage of Post Production in the Cloud?” In this article Mather profiles Digital Film Tree and interviews our CEO Ramy Katrib.
Here is an excerpt where he discusses our cloud based work flow:
DigitalFilm Tree’s system starts once the material is captured and then quickly uploaded so that post production begins immediately. Dailies are color timed and made ready to distribute in a variety of formats. Banking industry level encryption is used to make sure only designated key holders are granted the specific access they require. For example, Creatives might need to only see dailies, while the VFX house may need to download the “Camera Original” raw files. Making the assets concurrently available to a variety of Post functions means the Editor, Post Sound, VFX, etc., can all be working simultaneously, which is a major factor in speeding the workflow and meeting challenging deadlines.
Check out the whole article here.