every vote counts: dft takes sxsw (again)

this year, digitalfilm tree (dft) has submitted six unique presentations to sxsw 2024, and panelpicker voting has officially begun! community voting gets a huge say in what makes it to the sxsw stage – panelpicker voting accounts for 30% of a panel’s eligibility.
dft has previously been featured on the sxsw stage, both live and virtually for ted lasso, the umbrella academy, and more. this year, we have a wide variety of topics from the post house that is anything but ordinary.
voting is open now until august 20th so please get to voting and share those links!
and the nominees are . . .
visual effects on set 101
an introductory workshop where attendees will learn the basics of how best to approach shooting scenes that will eventually require visual effects. some basic vfx workflow would be covered, but the emphasis would be on what to do on set to achieve the best and most financially efficient end result.
additional resources: https://vimeo.com/816301245
sdr in an hdr world
in a world where 90% of media content is still in an sdr format, the industry is now in a race to restore and elevate this content into the current hdr streaming world. with ai, different plugins and dolby vision leading the way, we are now in a place to restore the classics, bring it into an hdr color space and re-release these films in a whole new way!
about damn time for a rainbow of beauty: coloring skin tones
henry santos will bring to life how he brilliantly and tirelessly colored lizzo’s amazon limited series “watch out for the big grrrls”. he will get the chance to go farther into depth discussing how important coloring for different skin tones is and how this process is unique to every individual. he also will get the chance to share how being a person of color influenced his decisions when coloring for lizzo’s series. henry will be joined by stormy gorence and omar ellison to contribute to why coloring people of color well is so imperative in a growing industry.
grizzly bears on a budget: how to previs your indie
cinecode has helped empower indie film, grizzly night. through previs dft helped production plan how they would shoot & take proper safety precautions with the bear & actors, as well as help establish vfx, cinematography, lighting, & coloring techniques – all of which significantly reduced costs.
additional resources:
unprecedented & unpredictable: preserving company culture
in this panel, members of the digitalfilm tree team, nancy jundi (coo and cfo), avital shalev (director of operations, creative services) and sophie siegel (manager of talent acquisition and employment brand) discuss how they cultivated strong company culture and care from the hiring process to the work experience during the unpredictable from their own experiences – a worldwide pandemic, an industry wide strike and more. and how you, as a leader in your industry, can do the same.
from concept to screen, geopost empowering storytellers
the session idea will discuss digitalfilm tree, home of camera raw in the cloud and geopost services. by securely and monitoring access to the camera raw files, and providing geopost services we are able to provide a range of cost and time saving benefits for all types of storytellers from small to big screen. this session will delve further into detail how we store camera raw masters securely in our private cloud, how these files are transported to the cloud, and how they can be accessed for use. this session will also talk about other services under the geopost umbrella.