LACPUG 18th Anniversary

Originally borne from the popular DV Creation site, the aptly named Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group (LAFCPUG) has evolved from its small beginnings to a powerful reflection of the digital filmmaking revolution in Los Angeles. Re-dubbed the Los Angeles Creative Pro User Group (LACPUG) in September 2012, the organization wanted to reflect a wider group of members utilizing more than just one tool.
On June 27th, LACPUG is celebrating its 18th anniversary with a night of memories, and a look toward the future of digital production. DigitalFilm Tree has played a signifiant role in the organization since the beginnings. Ramy Katrib’s first presentation was exactly 17 years prior to this year’s anniversary celebration, and he plans to attend this month’s event as well.
Also in attendance will be the creator of Final Cut Pro creator Randy Ubilos and DFT’s own Tim Serda. As well as editor Dan Fort and the original creator of FilmLogic software Loran Kary.
It’s certainly a night to attend, not only to travel through the history of both LAPUG, but also digital video itself, and how it has evolved along with filmmaking as a whole.
Tickets are on sale now at, and you can read more at the link below.