season 2

dft welcomes editor melissa mccoy and her assistant editor francesca castor to kick off our lasso season! we unpack the “lasso vibe” and all that’s ahead this season for ted & richmond.
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episode #201 //the lasso vibe
camera to cloud you say? all the way from london to l.a.? assistant editor alex szabo & post coordinator robbie stevenson walk us through the behemoth that is lasso dailies.
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episode #202 //lasso dailies
dani rojas himself, cristo fernández, joins us on the drop! hear how this role was the intersection of preparation and unexpected opportunity that led to the heart and many talents you see on screen!
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episode #203 //lasso life
team lasso’s performance on the pitch gets a bit of help in previs. katelyn hollenbeck, lasso’s lead post super, joins us to talk about being on the virtual pitch, in a game engine.
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episode #204 //lasso previs
production design is constantly thinking about post - what shows up on camera is often meticulously scrutinized with the post team to best set up for vfx, thru lines and meaningful character arcs. paul cripps joins us to talk building the land of lasso!
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episode #205 //lasso land
you'd be surprised how much emotion in a visual actually comes from sound, especially on ted lasso. re-recording mixers sean byrne & ryan kennedy walk us through some of the shows key moments and how they came alive on the sound stage.
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episode #206 //lasso sound
composer tom howe might be better known for his work on the great british baking show, but it’s his wildly collaborative and heartfelt work on lasso that continues to draw audiences further into each character and moment week-over-week.
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episode #207 //lasso score
lasso fans @ sxsw were blown away when we revealed how much vfx work goes into the show, so much so that team lasso has 2 post supers! join brooke davis and members of the barnstorm/dft vfx teams to deep dive on bringing the pitch to life!
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episode #208 //lasso vfx
shakespeare gets a lot of call outs in ted lasso, but some aren’t as obvious as others - we welcome "the dutch" to the drop as we unpack what this new addition to the team means for the back half of the season and why he can only speak the truth!
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episode #209 //lasso truth
writer and executive producer bill wrubel joins supervising producer kip kroeger to talk about the incredible arcs of our beloved characters this season, and how post-production is truly an extension of the writer's room.
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episode #210 //lasso writes
that's a wrap on s2 of the drop & ted lasso! join us for one last episode on the pitch during the wrap party for the geniuses that brought this show to life in post production. emmy award winner a.j. catoline, online editor chris hamilton, and emmy nominated director declan lowney all pop by!
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episode #211 //lasso wrap
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los angeles, ca 90068