coming soon: dft university

dft university is an extension of digitalfilm tree’s best and brightest – our team of creatives, technologists and educationally minded heroes of post, production, and everything in between have spent countless hours pouring into resources that will soon be available to you.
beginning with the season 7 roll out of the drop, we’ll introduce dfttalks – a series of discussions on a wide range of hot button topics like ai in vfx, storing camera raw in the cloud, work life balance in post, and so much more.
we’ll also begin sharing downloadable resources, as well as tutorial videos that have allowed us to hyper charge our own workflows to create efficiencies and communication formats that sidestep common bottlenecks.
digitalfilm tree is a thriving community of innovators and creatives that has always sought to work and grow with the best, brightest, kindest and most collaborative minds. during this quieter time of supporting our striking brethren, we intentionally paused on adding new members to our team in order to focus efforts on the increased skills and deepened connective tissue of the individuals that comprise our core.
from this expanse of internal growth we have begun to emerge with an ever strengthened excitement and passion for our peers, and the opportunities that await to meet with more of you soon through dft university.